Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just Waiting....

There really isn't anything to say today. We just wait. The blood counts will come up but they take their time. Despite the fact that Kenyon is STIR CRAZY, it is good that they come up slow.

I should say THANK YOU to all out there who are doing so much to help us or pray for us. Today I had my basement vacuumed, light bulbs changed, microwaves installed, sprinkers worked on, a delicious lunch, and a nice visit with Kenyon's sister and her husband. I don't really love being so dang needy but I am so grateful to have so much willing help. I really appreciate it.

I may have mentioned that Kenyon recently made a purchase off an infomercial (it happens in a drugged out, tired, extremely bored moment). The nurses have told me that they can take his credit card away if it is a problem. :) So his purchase arrived in the mail yesterday. The Forearm Forklift.

Kenyon told me that he bought them so that I could move the old dishwasher to the basement. Yeah, right! He is convinced that I will be able to move anything. He wants me to at least try it out on the couch. Only a couple of problems - 1) I probably shouldn't be lifting much due to the very prego stage and 2) It takes two people.

But, if any of you want to try them out - please do. And you might just get to use them to move the dishwasher to the basement.


Hurd Family said...

Kenyon buying these straps was the funniest thing I have ever read. I laughed so hard I about fell to the floor. Maybe in the drugged out state, it would be a good idea to take away his credit card. Ha ha!

Anon said...

I am laughing so hard right now. I cant tell you how funny this is to me. You go Kenyon, anything you want right now should be yours anyway. And Annie come on you arent going to try and lift furniture right now? I dont understand:)

Liz Morrey Romrell said...

Oooh, those look pretty nifty. I may just have to get me a pair. You know, I love to have my girlfriends over for a furniture moving party - just like the girls in the picture. So, be prepared - I'll ask you to bring your straps...

Anon said...

Oh Liz, the laughs just keep coming!!

Janna said...

Call me crazy, but I'm willing to come try to move your dishwasher with them. They guys that delivered my new washer and dryer used something like that and I couldn't believe how easy it was for them. (my washer is one of those new upright ones and it has a 400 lb block of concrete in it to stabalize it, so pretty heavy). So when you get ready to have the appliances moved call me and Brandon and we will come over and do it.

hOLLIANN said...

You totally can use those 6 months are woman of steel!

Juliann said...

I'm with Kenyon on this one. . . I've seen that info-mercial and it is totally convincing! Annie, I'll come help, you and I can rearrange your whole house with those. Don't you think the piano should go upstairs? C'mon, let's try it!

Christina said...

Annie, I love informercials. Those look amazing. I mean, look how peaceful those women look lifting that giant armoire. If I had something heavy to lift, I totally would have been ordering with Kenyon. Tell Kenyon if he sees the one for the Euroseal, the Miracle Blade, the Rocket Chef, Bare Minerals or anything else that you can try mine first before he buys :).