I am so excited. For several reasons. And you should be too. Because I think you have a really good chance of actually winning since I don't have nearly the readership of someone like Pioneer Woman. She gives away really amazing things but so many people enter it is pretty impossible.
This is not a Kitchenaid or a Canon Rebel. But I am pretty excited about it.
My mom recently completed and published her first book.

She has worked so hard on it and it turned out amazing.
The book is
Love's Banner--Memories of the Life of Elaine Cannon. If you don't win, you can get it
here. Or you can check out the Facebook page
here. It would make a great mother's day gift.
During my freshman year of college, I went to Salt Lake City to my Grandma Cannon's. She lived in this perfect place on 13th East and South Temple. I LOVED visiting her and her home. It was always beautifully decorated (mostly all white) and so clean. She had these glass doorknobs that looked like huge jewels. I used to think she was so rich. She wasn't ever rich. But she cared about lovely things and found ways to create a beautiful space. Anyway, I had a great weekend with her and when I got back to the dorms, my dorm mother asked me if it was always a spiritual experience to be with her. I thought that was so funny. I knew that my Grandma had a reputation but to me she was my grandma. She loved to make a party out of any gathering. She enjoyed watching movies and great food. She was really the ultimate host. But in truth, I actually loved that she also brought the Spirit with her and always had wise counsel for me.
(side note - I saved my money and bought this sweater at the Bennetton. Remember that place. I thought it was the cutest sweater ever. Why did I buy such a ginormous size? And I really loved my hair short. But, I must say, while I am lacking in some style - my grandma Elaine Cannon never lacked for great taste in clothes. She was always a fashion statement and knew all the latest trends. She was once a writer for Seventeen and put on many fashion shows in Salt Lake back in the day).
Elaine Cannon is one of the great women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Maybe some of you (many of you) are too young to remember her. She has written many books. She served as the General Young Women's President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1978-1984. You might be surprised to learn all of the ways she contributed to the current programs - particularly the Young Women's program - of the church. SI have loved reading the book because there has been so much that I didn't know about her many responsibilities.

Of course I love the book because it is about someone I love. But I think most women will love reading this book. It is more than a life of history - rather a collection of stories and experiences and memories that molded her into Elaine Cannon. She was a strong, capable woman. Her life was filled with struggles - like everyone - but she had a joyful, positive spirit about her and a commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ. She believed in service. It was her focus in life. And for all women - I think she is an inspiration.
I get to giveaway a copy of this book. I will select the winner randomly.
To enter:
- Leave a comment with your name (and if I don't know you - a way to contact you).
- Also, leave a story, memory, or thought about Elaine Cannon. If you are too young to remember her, ask your mom or grandma or aunts. Or Google it.
- Deadline for entries - March 31st at Noon.