Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Insanity

INSANITY<sup>®</sup>I know some of you are thinking of this Insanity. Some of you crazy people are even doing it. Good for you. I thought it would be fun to get my own version of Insanity added to my life. 

It goes something like this...
7-8 am - get 4 kids up, dressed, chores, pack lunches, cook breakfast, eat, read scriptures, family prayer, out the door.
8-3 pm - take care of a 2 year old - nuf said
3-8ishpm - drive carpool, homework, piano, and then...during this week it consists of 4 flag football games, 5 soccer games, practices, piano lessons, parent teacher conferences, and pine wood derby pack meeting. 



Angie said...

Who needs exercise when you're that busy?! You're superwoman!

H C M said...

A scripture that describes you : Proverbs 31:10-31 esp. "her children arise up, and call her blessed" and "many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all [I mean it might be a tie between all my daughters and daughter-in-law)."

Tracy said...

I do a similar work out. Too bad I don't get awesome abs doing it.