Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Month Without Preschool

Sad story. Gavin's cute preschool teacher broke her ankle. It really is miserable for her. And me. :( It was my first day home alone with the baby and my mom was gone. Understandably, his teacher had to cancel preschool for the month of November. She can't get down to her basement and teach twelve 4 year old kids. But that left me with our darling G-man. He is really a great little buddy to have around and he completely ADORES Quinn. He calls her "Cutie," "Princess, " or "Quinn E Bear."
But, come on! He wants to do these amazingly creative projects all day - and he wants to start them by 7:30 am.

He created this little project with candy, graham crackers and frosting. Another day he wanted to create city buildings out of empty cereal boxes and paper. He built a boat out of wood with Kenyon. We have played with play-do. We have played every game in the closet. And you know it is really bad when he wants to do Barbie fashion-plates (one of my favorite childhood toys). He came up with some pretty great outfits. He has also practiced writing his Christmas list a thousand times (I'm not kidding).

Good news - He gets to go back to preschool on Monday. He will be so excited and so will I.


Stephen said...

That's hilarious albeit exhausting for you. What a good mom you are to do all of that with him. And what an ambitious, creative kid--watch out world!

Janna said...

You should send him over to do those things with Ashby, that is what he does everyday.....create, unless he is watching TV. I swear that is all he does after school...creat or watch TV.

The Loves said...

i feel your pain. Kaige has really missed preschool. it is amazing how much they get out of just a few hours a day with Brittney at school.

Malea said...

Every mom needs a wing mom. I am hoping you have one of your own. They are priceless during some of these wonderful, precious, prozac induced moments.

Michelle said...

These photos are so cute. You are an amazing mom. You already know that.

Hoffmann Family said...

I loved that Barbie outfit maker too!

Christina said...

I just got my kids some Kumon work books off of Amazon. The craft one is pretty cute.

Sunni said...

You know Annie, its kind of your own fault. You always have some super great place to visit, or some really fun project to do, you have trained your kids well ;) P.S. Thank goodness for 12/01 !

Katie said...

I am so excited for preschool today! I think I am more excited than Holly and she is pretty darn excited. It is amazing just how much those few hours a week make such a difference to me and our family dynamic.

hOLLIANN said...

This same thing happened to us 2 years ago...it was crazy!