I really don't think I could have a baby if my mom couldn't be in town. She was a life saver. She always steps in to help in anyway. She got up every morning with the kids and managed their crazy schedules. Plus she cooks, cleans, and does whatever needs to be done. When she leaves it is always a little overwhelming for me. I always have that feeling like - "wait - you are the mom. you can't leave me with all these kids by myself." Oh well. She does have her own life and I seem to manage (with a few tears here and there). I am so grateful for such a great mom.
Quinn is officially one week old today. I can't really believe it. She watched her first BYU football game this weekend. She has been loved to pieces by so many. We have been spoiled.
This morning when I woke up at 6:45 to help the kids get off to school, I looked out the window and found that someone thought it would be funny to toilet paper our front yard. I am in way too hormonal a state to think it was funny. Plus it was raining. What a mess. I don't know if it was random or someone is just mean but I really didn't think it was funny. Thankfully - some good neighbors cleaned it up for me. Thank you!!!
Anyway - that is our update for now. Nothing new to report on Kenyon. He continues to do pretty well.
You have got to be kidding!!!!! First of all it was a Sunday night, second kids are in school, and third it was RAINING!!!! I am way too hormonal for that too and I didn't just have a baby. I would have been livid!! Thank goodness you have wonderful neighbors. And a more than wonderful mom.
And by the way Xel-Ha didn't work. LOL
I'm not going to sugar coat it! What jerks. I am sure it was total random but man talk about choosing the wrong house. Not that their is a right one but you know what I mean! Sorry.
Oh and I meant "there" not their. I do know how to spell:)
That picture is so cute. Her face made me gasp it was so cute!
I'm so glad your mom was able to be there with you! What would we do without our moms? Little Quinn is so adorable!
Seriously. Holly is da bomb. I'll throw my love in for her too.
Quinn is so beautiful, annie. Holy cow.
When I saw the toilet paper I got a little teary eyed too.
Yay for Moms!!! And ditto what everyone said about the TP-ers. HUGE JERKS. That is really lame- even if it was random. I'm glad you have sweet neighbors to help clean it up. We should find out who they are and Steve and I will go get em' back hard! Kidding, but somewhat serious ;)
by the way... Quinn- simply adorable. She is such a little beauty. Steve said to me after he saw the first pictures:
"Everytime people have babies they look so wrinkly and different as newborns, and you can never really tell if its a boy or a girl. But don't you think when you look at her you can totally tell its a girl? She just looks like a girl."
I thought that was pretty funny he said that, but I have to agree. She is a little beauty- a definite GIRL.
We never did that to anybody did we? P.S. you always did have the cool mom!!
I hear you! Thank goodness for moms! And Quinn is soooo adorable! What a sweet baby.
Your baby is so beautiful! Good luck with her and all else. See you soon.
K, we were sooo much more creative in our youth than TPing! And where's the fun in doing it to someone you don't even know? Lame. (There's a word from our youth as well!) I'm sorry people are dorks. Hey, maybe they were going after your mom, has Holly been provoking someone while she's been there?
love aunt holly!
Annie and Kenyon- we want to come see this beautiful baby. Please let me know if you need anything.
I'm all about getting even. Do some investigative work, and let me know. I know some people who know some people, we'll teach 'em a lesson. By the way, your mom is the best, and such a great example of what I want to be for my kids. Love her!
Your mom is a champ-I've always looked up to her and think she is someone I want to be more like! Quinn is darling-and the pictures are great. You and Kenyon are my heros-You have really handled the last year with grace and courage.
I can't believe that you were TPed. Thank goodness for neighbors. Love you-Kathy C. A.
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