Thursday, March 31, 2011

Last few hours enter my first giveaway. Don't be shy.

I have loved all your comments. Thank you!

Isn't this picture funny? It is Grandma Cannon teaching women how NOT to sit. 
This past summer we took our kids to Grandma's Mayflower apartment. Only the two oldest boys even vaguely remember going in and playing on her elevator and down her halls. That makes me sad. But it was fun to visit the outside.

There might be more than one winner so don't miss out on your chance.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Bone Marrow Donor Saves 2 Little Lives

This story is amazing. For several reasons to me. First - I have known Xander (the dad) and his family for many years. Second - I have an obvious interest in bone marrow tranplant and their donors thanks to our experience with this process. Third - I have enjoyed watching NBC's program "Who Do You Think You Are?" I love family history connections and the joy that comes to these people to learn more about their ancestors. Turns out BYU TV is doing something very similar - and maybe even better. It's called "The Generations Project."

So watch this... It was worth the 45 minutes to me. And I needed a tissue. It is the story of Xander and Carrie and their twin boys who were born with a fatal genetic problem. The only hope for these baby boys was to have a bone marrow transplant. And they needed a donor. Watch what happens.

I am so grateful to Kenyon's brother, Brett, for being a willing donor. It saves lives. So many people do not have the benefit of many siblings to choose from. The National Marrow Donor Program matches donors with those in need. If you are interested in joining the registry - it is easy. Check it out here. And if you are ever the match for someone - it is't that bad and it will be a miracle for someone.

PS - I love your comments for my giveaway. You have a another day and half so keep them coming!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My First Ever GIVEAWAY!!

I am so excited. For several reasons. And you should be too. Because I think you have a really good chance of actually winning since I don't have nearly the readership of someone like Pioneer Woman. She gives away really amazing things but so many people enter it is pretty impossible.

This is not a Kitchenaid or a Canon Rebel. But I am pretty excited about it.

My mom recently completed and published her first book.
Elaine Cannon
She has worked so hard on it and it turned out amazing.

The book is Love's Banner--Memories of the Life of Elaine Cannon. If you don't win, you can get it here. Or you can check out the Facebook page here. It would make a great mother's day gift.

During my freshman year of college, I went to Salt Lake City to my Grandma Cannon's. She lived in this perfect place on 13th East and South Temple. I LOVED visiting her and her home. It was always beautifully decorated (mostly all white) and so clean. She had these glass doorknobs that looked like huge jewels. I used to think she was so rich. She wasn't ever rich. But she cared about lovely things and found ways to create a beautiful space. Anyway, I had a great weekend with her and when I got back to the dorms, my dorm mother asked me if it was always a spiritual experience to be with her. I thought that was so funny. I knew that my Grandma had a reputation but to me she was my grandma. She loved to make a party out of any gathering. She enjoyed watching movies and great food. She was really the ultimate host. But in truth, I actually loved that she also brought the Spirit with her and always had wise counsel for me.

(side note - I saved my money and bought this sweater at the Bennetton. Remember that place. I thought it was the cutest sweater ever. Why did I buy such a ginormous size? And I really loved my hair short. But, I must say, while I am lacking in some style - my grandma Elaine Cannon never lacked for great taste in clothes. She was always a fashion statement and knew all the latest trends. She was once a writer for Seventeen and put on many fashion shows in Salt Lake back in the day).

Elaine Cannon is one of the great women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Maybe some of you (many of you) are too young to remember her. She has written many books. She served as the General Young Women's President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1978-1984. You might be surprised to learn all of the ways she contributed to the current programs - particularly the Young Women's program - of the church. SI have loved reading the book because there has been so much that I didn't know about her many responsibilities.

Of course I love the book because it is about someone I love. But I think most women will love reading this book. It is more than a life of history - rather a collection of stories and experiences and memories that molded her into Elaine Cannon. She was a strong, capable woman. Her life was filled with struggles - like everyone - but she had a joyful, positive spirit about her and a commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ. She believed in service. It was her focus in life. And for all women - I think she is an inspiration.

I get to giveaway a copy of this book. I will select the winner randomly.

To enter:

  • Leave a comment with your name (and if I don't know you - a way to contact you).
  • Also, leave a story, memory, or thought about Elaine Cannon. If you are too young to remember her, ask your mom or grandma or aunts. Or Google it. 
  • Deadline for entries - March 31st at Noon.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where's the Baby? (say that screaming)

That is one of the funniest inside jokes amongst my sisters. It happened when all six of us shared a room in NYC. Seriously hilarious. But too hard to tell in a blog post.

But if you are a mom - you know that feeling. I think. You know when you have a brand new baby and you are SO tired. And you wake up at some time in the night and you can't remember did you feed the baby and put her back in the crib. You can't quite remember getting there. You kind of panic. Or wake up and the baby slept through the night for the first time and you panic that she is really ok. Crazy new mom syndrome.

Well I feel like I might be back at the stage. Waking up to make sure Kenyon has his pain killers every three hours or ice or whatever help he needs. I am seriously so tired that he has been waking himself up and trying to do it on his own. Actually I think the pain wakes him up. Which he sort of can take care of himself  but not really. Then I hear him and wake up in that "where's the baby panic" realizing that I am supposed to be helping him. And wouldn't it be nice if I was an awesome wife and hopped out of bed every time he needed something? That would be cool for him.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back to Life

So Kenyon is back from his little stay at the hospital. I am back at doing this mom thing alone. Whenever my mom leaves I have a day or so of panic where I can't seem to remember how to do all this alone. I am sure it will come back to me but last night was a disaster. And I didn't even have to make dinner. Not pretty.

Anyway back to Kenyon.

Do you want to see a picture? Careful. It is kind of scary.
30ish staples. 18 centimeters. It makes my stomach turn. Scary. But so amazing too. Because he is walking (with a walker and really slow) and bending and straightening better than before. Painful but he can do it.

For a little Sunday fun, the kids and I found this website and performed our own virtual total knee replacement.

Check it out here.

We are very grateful for modern medicine, great physical therapists, Kenyon's job which he is back doing thanks to technology - he doesn't have to leave his bed, visitors, yummy food, help with the kids, and especially my Mom (and my Dad for letting her come).

There are still several weeks ahead of recovery but we are on our way.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I didn't forget

That Teague turned 11. Holy Cow people.

I just didn't take the awesome pictures and get around to posting about it. But Jane did. Check it out here. Thanks Jane.

What would I do without sisters?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just Call Me Lt. Dan

That's what Kenyon says.

He has new legs. Well not really. New knees.

Surgery went as well as we hoped and prayed. They were able to do both knees. Hooray. But there is no question that doing two knees at once is not easy. He has some difficult recovery ahead of him. However, the doctors discovered (we already knew this) that his knees were a disaster. So much damage. He couldn't walk anyway so we might as well be struggling to walk on new knees.

Today the physical therapist got him out of bed and he was actually able to shuffle a ways down the hall. Tomorrow we take the braces off and he gets to try bending his knees. He definitely has pain and discomfort but seems to be tolerating it all well - as long as he is well medicated, of course.

We are hoping that he can come home Saturday. We'll see how things go.

Making that drive up to the University hospital and riding the elevator up past the bone marrow transplant unit is a little too much. I don't even really want to remember those days of going there day after day for weeks on end. I am just really grateful that this stay is not nearly as long. Thank you!

Maybe I can take a picture tomorrow. That might be fun or scary. We'll see...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Countdown - 4 days

Well so far one prayer has been answered - Kenyon's surgery date has been moved up to Tuesday the 15th. As in 4 days. He is pretty happy about that because the truth is - he is at his all time worst pain EVER. And that, my friends, is a lot of pain. Pretty sure most human beings would not be functioning let alone moving at all if they suffered the pain he has.

So our prayer for the surgery is that they will be able to do both knees at once. We are very aware that doing comes with some consequences - like 2 new knees will not be easy. But if he can only have one done, that means 2 things. A) His bones really are as bad as the MRI appears and they have to but a metal stem/rod in - not really all that cool. B) It means he will have to go back and go through it all again in 8+ weeks. We would really prefer one hospital stay.

So good times ahead. I think, after 4 different surgeons, that we have a very capable, experienced, confident (that is an understatement - all orthopedic surgeons are pretty dang confident ) surgeon. And the University Orthopedic center is a great place and they have all the resources to get Kenyon to full recovery.

So here we go....

Oh and guess what - I have the greatest mom EVER. You already knew that but she is. She is coming back to this house (can you even imagine after living here for 6 weeks) and helping me function with everything. She is saving us. Truly. Thanks Mom!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Podcast Love

Our friend Greg introduced me to the world of podcasts a few years ago. Addicted. I love having something good to listen to. And usually your time commitment is less than hour. I get tired of the radio. And often I am listening to a book. (I am really too tired to do as much reading as I would like and that way I can get 2 things done at once - a book and drive or exercise).

But Podcasts are probably my most favorite thing to listen to.

And I have a new favorite. Today I tried Conversations from the Mormon Channel. You can automatically download them on iTunes. My first Conversation was with Stephanie and Christian Nielson (Nie Nie Diagloues).

It was the most inspiring exercise. I have a lot more to say about what I thought listening to them but won't do that now. Just go download some Conversation podcasts. It will make your day.

Other podcast favorites (all free on iTunes)

#1 - This American Life with Ira Glass LOVE LOVE LOVE
I learn the most interesting things. The show is brilliant at putting together stories about our American life. They are entertaining and so educational.

#2 - Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me - it is a news quiz show each week. They have a panel of comedians who make funny commentary on the week's news. Listeners call in to answer questions about current events. It is the perfect way to get updated on the week's news in a few minutes and have lots of good laughs. Sometimes I laugh out loud at the gym and it is so embarrassing.

#3 - BYU Speeches,  CES Firesides, and General Conference Talks (I grouped them all into one but they are each separate things). I just like to have a few gospel centered messages available.

Millions out there to choose from. If you don't already, enjoy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

"A Mini Skirt is still a Mini Skirt

Plaid Mini Skirt

...Even with tights."
A quote from our Stake President. He was talking to the adult women of the stake about our modesty issues.
And it struck me.
And then during the Sunday session my friendly neighbor reminded me of that quote when he saw Quinn. It was all in good fun because the truth is his daughter (who is much older than Quinn) had an even shorter mini skirt on.
I have now retired that skirt. It was for an 18 month old anyway.
I should have taken a picture of Quinn to make my point. But..