Friday, February 25, 2011

Celebrating with Jimmer

I am so behind on blogging. I think we are coming back to a relative normal around here. At least for a minute - until Kenyon has surgery and then we will take back the chaos.

We just celebrated our 13th anniversary and I was in charge this year. What would Kenyon like to do more than anything? Well besides walk without pain. Of course, go to a BYU game. Luckily I was smart enough to have ordered the tickets well in advance because this Jimmermania business is selling out the Marriott Center. It was a fun date night. Not the best game of the year but it was a win.

Next year Kenyon is in charge on the anniversary plan. And just in case he needs a hint. I would really like to see a show in NYC. So plan early. :) Or sit on the beach somewhere. That would work too.


Brynn said...

Hey, can Tom be married to you guys too?! He can get you some good tickets and talk for hours with Kenyon about his man-crush on Jimmer..... Just sayin'.

Chris, Amy and the girls said...

I thought of this last night after we left...Happy Anniversary (late :)!!! Kenyon better get planning! To say you deserve an amazing vacation is a major understatement!

Angie said...

Wooo woooo!! We have loved riding the Jimmer train. Klane definitely has a man-crush on Jimmer. You scored with that gift! Perfect!