I am so not even kidding. Except I didn't know where to find a piece of cardboard or a pen.
I don't even know if I should tell this story because it really confirms what a space cadet I am but you probably already knew that so here goes...
Saturday morning I left at 5:30 am to go help with a 5K fundraiser for Sarah Hayes (a friend of my sister Egan). By the way, it was very inspiring and so worth it to be there. After that I had two baby showers to go to - both at 10:30. One in SLC and one in South Jordan. I had about an hour to kill, so I thought I would go shop (kid less!!) at the Gateway. I didn't realize it wasn't open until 10. Duh. So I parked and got out of my car to take off my 5K shirt (and luckily I had another tshirt on underneath or this story could get really bad). As I pulled the shirt over my head, my door shut. Leaving my purse, wallet, keys, and phone LOCKED inside. I seriously panicked.
So I walk out into the Gateway thinking that surely the stores would be open and I could use a phone. It was completely dead except a few bums. NOBODY around. Nothing. And nobody knew I was there. I seriously considered the option of begging myself but there wasn't anyone to ask for money. So I finally found a pay phone and placed my first collect call home. It was declined. Turns out Kenyon just pushed the wrong button but all I heard was that my call was not accepted. So I tried again. After 3 more attempts, I finally reached Kenyon. Thankfully, he made the dumb trip all the way downtown to give me the spare keys.
It cracks me up now, but there were some moments where I didn't know what to do and wondered how long before I came up with a solution. Probably a little irrational but that happens when you are working on lack of sleep and you have NOTHING to your name.
*Needless to say - I missed the showers.