Are you ready for Christmas? Not quite. I have plans, projects, ideas but I haven't made many of them happen. Thank heavens for the internet because I have done MOST of my shopping online. Here is my one big complaint. I ordered Gavin's one big gift (a green machine). The UPS guy delivered it at 6:00 pm (when everyone is home) and to make it worse - there was a huge sticker/label with the item on it. Couldn't they have packaged it in another box? Duh! Obviously it was being ordered for the holidays. Then if the UPS guy sees it - couldn't he have knocked on my door and told me that he had a package so that I could distract the kids. Nope. So I had to lie. I told Teague and Elise that one of my neighbors ordered it and had it shipped to our house. Dang it.
We are constantly amazed at our little Quinn. She is growing so fast. She is such a good baby. We love her smile. Elise has been such a big help - she has been changing Quinn's diapers. Love it! It has been most helpful when I am trying to get dinner together. Quinn likes tummy time. If she is tired, she will fall asleep and have a good nap while sleeping on her tummy.
Hopefully, I will be able to give an update on Kenyon soon. He seems to be doing pretty well. We made it out to our first movie. We took the kids to see Bolt. We picked a time when there would be no one in the theater. Five minutes before it started, we bough tickets and picked a row that was far away from the other 10 people in the theater. A few minutes after it started, two days and kids came and sat right behind us. Duh. There are a bazillion other choices and they picked the ones by us. Oh well. We enjoyed the movie and a little time out of our house.
Gavin looks like me!!! haha. That's the perfect laptop/couch position.
Quinn is killing it. Her tummy position is so cute. Can't wait to see her smile.
i've been missing your blog's been awhile. so thanks for the update. i miss your family! i love that picture of gavin...he IS a mini kenyon. and quinn is pretty as ever. i love the tummy time picture. That is GREAT that elise is being so helpful!
i'm anxious to hear kenyons results.
That picture of Gavin is so funny! And that baby Quinn is so beautiful! I love the one with her holding a candy cane!!
I also ordered EVERYTHING online this year!! I haven't had too many problems with the kids seeing, luckily! I had all of the big stuff I knew would probably be labeled sent to to store! The kids will totally forget about ever seeing it! This is the only time it is ok to tell little fibs to our kids!
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